The Most Important Day In History

October 27, 2019 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: 1 THESSALONIANS, End-times Holiness

Topic: Jesus Christ, Messiah, Salvation Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11

When we think of the most important day in history we may think of the invention of the wheel or the printing press, or the moon landing, or perhaps the discovery of the atom. Maybe you think the greatest day in history will be when we land on Mars. To be sure these are or will be, monumental moments in the history of mankind but they are not the zenith of history. It is the Christian view that all events are moving toward a culmination. History is not cyclical in this way. History is not happenstance or governed by chance or even the victor. History is planned. Scripture tells us that all things were made by Him and for Him and will culminate for His glory. As one clever man said it, “History is “His-story.”

Since the fall of man in the Garden, all of history has been moving toward a great reconciling day. That day when God finally delivers His saints and judges His enemies. In Scripture, that day is called “The Day of the Lord.”